On the left I have made a little box to always maintain the links of the latest edition of my show on Radio Fremantle. I'm on 5-7 friday nights playing new music as well as a live artist each week. My taste is pretty diverse, so have a listen, there is bound to be something you like. Unless all you like is commercial stuff, in which case there will be nothing you like.
And now... LINKS
This little Pearler Comes courtesy of Brains? I. Ducking. Love. Tilt Shift optics. How they work is a bit of physics jargon that goes mostly over my head, but the end result is that normal sized things end up looking like minatures. Make sure you watch for the trains around the minute mark.
What would time lapse and tilt shift photography look like when combined I hear you ask?
This little Pearler Comes courtesy of Brains? I. Ducking. Love. Tilt Shift optics. How they work is a bit of physics jargon that goes mostly over my head, but the end result is that normal sized things end up looking like minatures. Make sure you watch for the trains around the minute mark.
Tilt Shift Test #1 from jaemiem on Vimeo.
On the topic of cool optic stuff. Check this program out. Photolapse, in conjunction with a tripod and a niceish camera allows you you make time lapse sequences. Which if you aren't familiar with, look like this [this totally uses HDR photography as well if you're wondering why the colours are so awesome]
Twin Peaks San Francisco Sunrise (HDR time-lapse) from Chad Richard on Vimeo.
What would time lapse and tilt shift photography look like when combined I hear you ask?
Bathtub V from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.
For the nerds in the crowd, this is a cool development in motherboards, hybrid systems. Basically you can run a low powered atom based server as well as a decent spec gaming/media rig at the same time. Want.

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